Para o cartão de hoje, usei um stencil. Não é algo que costume usar com frequência. Estou completamente fora da minha zona de conforto e este cartão, apesar de parecer simples, acabou por ficar concluído ao fim de muitas tentativas. Um verdadeiro desafio! A questão é: Porquê usar um stencil? Bem, este é o desafio desta semana em "Less is More" - MASKING OR STENCILLING. Espero que gostem do resultado final tanto
quanto eu.
Hello everyone!
Today's card was a true challenge for me because I've used a stencil! I had never used a stencil before, so this was completely out of my confort zone. After trying several times, I was finally able to do something I liked. I know maybe for many of you a stencil is something easy to use. Well, not for me. I guess I have to try this technique other times. But why use a stencil? That's because of week 163 on "Less is More" - MASKING OR STENCILLING. I hope you like it as much as I do.
Well done for trying a new technique, super card!
ResponderEliminarThanks for taking the Less is More Challenge this week
(Guest commenter LIM)
Beautiful card :) Viv xx