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Olá a todos! Para hoje o projeto tem a ver com bicicletas e flores. Os dias de primavera são propícios e inspiradores! Adoro! Bom, para f...

Life is like..

Olá a todos!
Para hoje o projeto tem a ver com bicicletas e flores. Os dias de primavera são propícios e inspiradores! Adoro!
Bom, para fazer este cartão, usei uma imagem digital e a mensagem também foi criada no computador. Para o pedaço de "parede" que aparece de lado fiz um molde recortado com um X-ato e enchi os retângulos com pasta de modelar misturada com tinta acrílica rosa. As flores foram feitas com um furador e coladas por cima das já existentes só para dar alguma dimensão a este lado do cartão.

Hi, everyone!
My project today involves flowers and bicycles. Spring days are perfect to ride and an inspiration. I love Spring!
Well, to make this card, I've used a digital image and I've also computer generated the sentiment. For the piece of "wall" which shows on the side, I used an X-acto knife to cut the holes and them filled them with a thick paste mixed with acrylic pink paint. To give the card a final touch and some dimension on the opposite side of the textured wall, I punched and glued some flowers.

Aqui ficam os desafios / Here are the challenges where I'm entering my card:
- The Shabby Tea Room Week #220 - "Let's Go For a Ride" ( inspiration + wheels + pink + background texture)

- Addicted to CAS Challenge #39- Texture

- Inkspirational: Challenge 57 - Bloom

P.S. Este postal foi Top 3 em

7 comentários:

  1. Great composition,, love the dimension on the flowers and the way you've done the wall. Love this card.
    Thank you for joining us at Inkspirational Challenges. Come back next time! Marina

  2. Very the brick wall and the flowers..very creative!! Thank you for joining us "The Shabby Tea Room" for our "Let's Go For A Ride" challenge!!
    Diane TSTR DT

  3. Fun card - love the added "bricks" - Thanks for joining in with ATCAS!

  4. Great way to add texture and fab dimension with the flowers. Thanks for joining us at Ink and ATCAS

  5. Lovely card ..i love the sentiment and the bike :)

  6. I love how the flowers are blowing from the bicycle basket.
    Thanks for playing with us at Inkspirational Challenges. Come and join us again next time :o)

  7. Love the brick wall with the flowers and bicycle! Thanks for playing along with us at ATCAS :)


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