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Olá! O cartão de hoje tem a cor violeta como cor principal. Não é uma cor a que eu recorra com frequência, por isso este projeto foi um de...

Tons de violeta / Shades of Purple

O cartão de hoje tem a cor violeta como cor principal. Não é uma cor a que eu recorra com frequência, por isso este projeto foi um desafio para mim. Comecei por desenhar à mão livre a forma ondulada num pedaço de papel de fotocópia com o mesmo tamanho da frente do cartão. Depois de a recortar, usei fita cola removível para aderir ao cartão. em seguida, usei vários tons de tinta para carimbo para fazer o fundo e para carimbar as rosas. No final contornei a figura com um pico e colei os elementos decorativos.

Hi, everyone!
Today's card is all about purple. I must confess it's not my first choice, so this was a challenge for me. I started my card by free drawing the shape on photocopy paper the same size as the card front. After cutting it I used removable glue to adhere it. It was then time to start stamping the back and the roses. In the end, I've used a needle to perfurate the paper around the main image. I thought I'd use some simple decorative elements as a finishing touch.

Participo nos desafios seguintes / I'm entering the following challenges:
- The Card Concept Cahllenge #9 - Monochromatic Purple ( this card style is CAS)
- Less Is More: Week 170: Color Challenge Three Colours
Three Shades of One Colour

6 comentários:

  1. Great clean & simple card. Love the different shape to your background piece and the piercing around the edges. Gorgeous. Thanks for playing along at ABC Challenges.


  2. This is beautiful Mary!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  3. Such a pretty card Mary!
    Thank you for joining the Less is More Challenge this week
    LIM Designer

  4. Wow this is stunning Mary, the mix of lilac / purples is fabulous and such careful and even pin-pricking just adds to the design. x

  5. Such a great card Mary, love the colour too :) Viv xx

  6. Clean, simple and awesome. I love the paper piecering you did on your creation and the lines it created. Thank-you for joining us at the CardsGaloreEncore Challenge #5 Anything Goes

    Tamie DT


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