Hoje o meu cartão lembra campos de girassóis banhados pelo sol de fim de verão. Sim, eu sei que o Outono já por aí anda, mas as saudades do tempo quente são mais que muitas. Para fazer este cartão, usei um carimbo de My Favorite Things chamado Sunflower Sweetheart. Pintei a menina com marcadores e uma caneta de água e colei alguns dos elementos com fita cola dimensional para lhe dar algum relevo.
Today my card reminds me of sunflower fields kissed by the end of summer sun. Yes, it's autumn out there but I definitely miss summer... a lot! Do make this card, I've used a stamp by My Favourite Things called Sunflower Sweetheart. I've painted the little girl with markers and a water pen to blend the colours. To give it a little more dimension, I've cut some of the elements and glued them again with dimensional adhesive.
Participo nos desafios seguintes / I'm entering the following challenges:
- 613 Avenue Create Challenge #93 - Anything Goes w/ Optional CAS (using the option)
- Freshly Made Sketches #158 - A Sketch by Jen T.
- The Card Concept Challenge #21 - Sunflowers (this time I've made a collage of diffferent elements in order to build a scene)
Great CAS card love the cute image and die-cut fence-thanks for joining us at 613 Avenue Create
ResponderEliminarCarol Dt x
Adorable image. The little gate adds a perfect touch of dimension.
ResponderEliminarThis is beautiful! I love the sweetly colored girl standing at the garden gate! Thanks for joining us at Freshly Made Sketches!
ResponderEliminarSo CUTE!! I love all your lovely details. Thanks for playing with us at the Card Concept!
ResponderEliminarOh she is so sweet! I love image you've used and the soft colours too! Thanks for joining us at FMS this week!
ResponderEliminarSo, so CUTE! What an adorable little country scene!
ResponderEliminarShe's so sweet. Thanks for joining us at The Card Concept.
ResponderEliminarYou captured the inspiration photo with this sweet card-thanks for playing along with the Card Concept sunflowers challenge