Usei a imagem para decorar uma caixinha para doces.
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge Blog
which you can find at Little Blue Button Stamps.
I used pelcils to colour it and the image was
used to embelish a sweets box.
You can see the process below just in case you're interested.
Sponsors / Patrocinadores
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Prémio / Prize - $10 gift certificate for their online store
Participo nos desafios seguintes:
I'm entering the following challenges:
- Word Art Wednesday Challges #266-#267: Anything Goes
- Inspiration Destination Anything Goes No. 120
- Crafty Creations #333 - Anything Goes
- Brown Sugar Challenge #233 - Anythig Goes
Obrigada pela visita!
Thank you for stopping by!
So cute and great project. Thanks for sharing over at Inspiration Destination.
ResponderEliminarBillie A
Inspiration Destination
Catch the bug
Creative with Stamps
Aud Sentiments
Oh it's so cute !!
ResponderEliminarBises ♥
This is very cute. We are so blessed for your participation in our last Challenge and would love for you to join us again in our current Challenge at Word Art Wednesday. Leaving you with this Scripture inspiration from Colossians 2:6-7 which tells us, "So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." Have a blessed week.
ResponderEliminarJO ANN