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Olá! Feliz Ano Novo! Este é o meu primeiro post deste ano. Um cartão de aniversário bem fresquinho para esta época. Hello! Happy New Ye...

Boneco de neve / Snowman

Feliz Ano Novo!
Este é o meu primeiro post deste ano. Um cartão de aniversário bem fresquinho para esta época.

Hello! Happy New Year!
My first post this year with a very cool card. Enjoy!

Pode ver o video deste cartão aqui / You can watch the video for this card here.

Participo nos desafios seguintes / I'm taking part in the following challenges:
- Crafty Creations -Who Wants To Build A Snowman
- 613 Avenue Create Challenge #104 - Anything Goes
- Cardabilities Sketch #114
- Through The Craft Room Door - Anyhting Goes Dec.30-Jan.5th
- ABC Challenge: A Is For Anything Goes

6 comentários:

  1. this is adorable...may your 2015 be filled with lots of glimmer and happiness!

    sparkle & shine *~*

  2. Such a cute snowman card!! I love your creativity!! Thanks for joining our challenge at Through the Craft Room Door!

  3. Very nice card. Thank you for joining us at the Cardabilities. Ilona

  4. Aw your card makes me smile... it's cute as can be!
    Thanks for joining us at Crafty Creations Challengeblog,

  5. Super cute image. Love it. Thanks for sharing with us at ABC Challenges. Meighan DT

  6. Love your cute snowman.

    Thanks for joining us



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