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Olá! Hoje fiz um postal de aniversário que combina dois desafios: Cas(e) This Sketch , para o esquema, e The Challenge , para a escolha da...


Hoje fiz um postal de aniversário que combina dois desafios: Cas(e) This Sketch, para o esquema, e The Challenge, para a escolha das cores. Mais uma vez é um postal masculino, que é algo difícil de fazer. No entanto, achei que as cores combinam bem e, não sei porquê gosto de fazer postais masculinos com motivos marítimos. Só pode ter a ver com os meus antepassados navegadores! LOL

Today I made another masculine card, combining Cas(e) This Sketch and this week's colours at The Challenge. When I first saw the colour combination that Lesley Crohan chose for us this week, it didn't click. I guess I was just waiting for the right sketch! I think these colours are just perfect for a guy and, I don't know why... I like to make masculine cards with sea themes. Maybe it's the influence of Vasco da Gama. You know, being Portuguese and all that... I guess the sea is in my blood. LOL

 The Challenge

Cas(e) This Sketch

8 comentários:

  1. !Qué bonita tarjeta!
    What a beautiful card!

  2. I love how you cut apart the chevrons! Wonderful take on the sketch!

  3. Mary this is a beautiful take on our sketch !
    So good to see your card in the gallery this week!

  4. SUPER combo for the challenges! Love the nautical!!! Thanks for joining us at The Challenge, I sure hope to see you join us again!!

  5. Fab card and so rocking both challenges! Love that anchor! I think we associate the sea with men maybe because so many of them love fishing and boating maybe? lol Thanks for playing The Challenge!

  6. Great masculine design! Love your nautical theme for these colors. Thanks for joining us at The Challenge!

  7. Really wonderful, Mary... love that nautical look... perfect colors for it, don't you think? Thanks for joining us at CTS and The Challenge this week!
    =] Michele

  8. I love your card, so gorgeous !!

    Bises from Brittany


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