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Bom dia! Hoje mostro um postal simples feito com o tema CASA/LAR. Foi feito sobre a base de cartão, sem outros papéis e isso deve-se ao ...

Life Is Sweet

Bom dia!
Hoje mostro um postal simples feito com o tema CASA/LAR. Foi feito sobre a base de cartão, sem outros papéis e isso deve-se ao facto deste ser um dos requisitos de Less Is More. Confesso que no início tive alguma dificuldade porque comecei logo a pensar em casas. Ora, eu não tenho nenhum carimbo com casas, mas acabei por me lembrar de um velho carimbo que tenho com ursinhos, potes de mel e ... uma colmeia. Muito bem! Está na hora de começar. As colmeias também são "casas", certo? 
E como o desafio desta semana de Crafty Catz é "Clean and Simple", também participo.

Hello there!
Today I'm showing you a card I've made with the theme HOME. It's a one layer card as you can see. That's because it's a one layer week at Less is More. I struggled a little bit at firts with this one because my mind immediatelly started to think about houses. And I don't have a house stamp. So, after some brainstorming I remembered of an old stamp with bears and honey and.... a beehive. It's also home... for the bees, right? 
As it's Clean and Simple week at Crafty Catz I am also taking part.

Comecei por usar um stencil que esponjei com tinta para carimbo. Estampei depois o sentimento e a colmeia e, por fim, usei pérolas líquidas em amarelo para lembrar o mel.
Obrigada por terem visitado o meu blogue. Tenham um bom fim de semana!

 First I used a stencil and sponged some desert sand ink. Then I stamped the hive and the sentiment in black and as a finishing detail, I used liquid pearls in yellow just because they remind me of honey in this card.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog. Have a wonderful weekend!

10 comentários:

  1. Great card Mary... a hive certainly is a home too!
    Love that background!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  2. Great idea of making your card like this. Indeed bees also does have homes. Good look on this challenge and have a nice weekend, Ankie

  3. Great interpretation of our Home theme and fab stenciling.
    Thanks for sharing with us.
    Anita x
    Less is More

  4. Beehive is a great take on our challenge and what a super stencil to pair with it Mary!
    Thank you very much for joining us.
    Less is More

  5. A clever take on our theme this week Mary and love your background stencilling
    Thanks so much for sharing and taking part.
    Sarah xx
    Less is More

  6. Whaouh !

    j'adore ta carte, belle idée pour la ruche bravo !!

  7. Love how you combined the mask, stamp and those pearls. This card is bee-utiful!

    Thank you for playing along with our CAS challenge this week. Good luck!


Obrigada por visitar o meu blogue. Fico feliz com a sua mensagem!
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